GST talent

GST talent

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A researcher equipped with advanced technological capabilities to lead the country’s future security science and technology
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A leader who holds unwavering faith in national values and ethical responsibilities
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A talented individual with comprehensive insight and judgment into ever-changing international
power dynamics and security landscape
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A researcher equipped with advanced technological capabilities to lead the country’s future security science and technology
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A leader who holds unwavering
faith in national values and
ethical responsibilities
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A talented individual with comprehensive
insight and judgment into ever-changing international power dynamics and security landscape
A talented individual with comprehensive insight and judgment into ever-changing international power dynamics and security landscape


Seeking science and technology-based national defense policy
To advance the concept of science and technology-based operations
To redesign the frameworks for national defense R&D and force improvement
To secure pivotal AI-based military power
To develop a complex combat system for both manned and unmanned operations
Increasing K-Defense exports
Increased exports in national defense
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Aiming to rank among the top 4 exporters in the global national defense industry
Share of global defense exports : 2.8% → 5%
Demand for follow-up logistics support from importers lasting for 30 to 40 years after their national defense imports
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